Dewan Law College recently embarked on a thrilling journey to the heart of justice – the Supreme Court of India! Fifty enthusiastic law students from various semesters, guided by Dr. Shashank Misra, Principal of Dewan Law College, had the incredible opportunity to explore the Apex Court, delve into courtrooms, and immerse themselves in the rich repository of legal knowledge within the Judges' Library.
The students engaged in insightful discussions, gaining valuable insights into the intricacies of the judicial system. Adding to the treasure trove of wisdom, a session with a senior counsel from the Supreme Court Bar Association unfolded, offering a firsthand glimpse into the practical aspects of court proceedings.
Accompanied by the dynamic HOD Mr. Ambuj Sharma and esteemed professors Neeraj Gupta, Amit Kumar, Kalpana Chaudhary, Vidushi Goel, Shobhit Garg, and Nancy Chopra, this expedition was a blend of learning, inspiration, and networking.