The College has a well-furnished Moot Court which is a replica of the court of law. Law students receive practical training to dramatize realistic and passionate proceeding of important leading cases decided by courts.
Dewan Law College has a Legal Aid Clinic to provide true legal services and free legal aids to the poor and needy persons. The College has adopted nearby villages for free Legal Aid. On the second Saturday of every month, Legal Aid camp is held and the parties are conciliated or advised as per their needs.
“Land of Fun, Food and Frolic” While studying students often get so Hungry & Tired that Food & Rest cannot appear to them except in the form of CANTEEN and Dewan Law College provides its students, staff, and faculty with an amazing café experience in the college campus with its well maintained and well equipped Cafeteria. The cafeteria is not just a food joint but a place to relax, interact, rejuvenate and take a refuge from the daily hectic schedule.
Dewan Law College has a library of at least 100 seating capacity. This is a well-stocked fully automated Library with the IT section. The library has the facility for the research work for students and faculty. The library is enriched with leading law journals and periodicals with the growing collections. The Law library also consists of group study rooms and a computer lab with laptops. The library has quiet and group study areas. The library has technical staff and computers including a printer and a photocopier machine. These facilities are allotted to the Library for technical work.
Wi-Fi Facility is available in the classrooms. Students can connect their laptops and can access the Material uploaded on College ERP. All students are provided their personal ERP ID and password through which they may be connected with college ERP and explore the materialavailableon the ERP.